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December 19, 2022

Five things you need to know about Racial and Intersectional Equity (R.I.S.E.)

Racial and InterSectional Equity (R.I.S.E.) is about achieving fairness in outcomes for all people, especially those who have been traditionally marginalized. It starts with the recognition that our society is structurally racist and that Black, Indigenous, and other people of color (BIPOC) have always been disadvantaged within it. 

Equity requires us to go beyond just treating everyone the same; instead, we must actively work to remove barriers and create opportunities for BIPOC communities. This includes everything from hiring a more diverse workforce to investing in Black-owned businesses. When we commit to equity, we open up new possibilities for everyone to thrive.

1. What is Racial Equity?

Racial equity is the idea that all people should have equal access to opportunities and resources regardless of race. This includes things like education, employment, housing, and health care. 

2. What is Intersectional Equity?

Intersectional equity is an extension of racial equity that considers other factors such as gender, sexuality, class, and disability. Legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term in 1989.

3. Why is Racial Equity Important?

There are several reasons why racial equity is essential:

  • It is a matter of justice. All people should have equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of race.
  • Racial equity can help to close the achievement gap between different groups of students.
  • Racial equity can help to improve the health outcomes of marginalized groups.

4. What are some Barriers to Achieving Racial Equity?

There are many barriers to achieving racial equity. One barrier is institutional racism, which refers to how racist policies and practices are embedded in institutions such as education, employment, and housing. Another barrier is structural racism, which refers to how society is organized to benefit those who are white and disadvantage those who are not white.

5. What Can I Do to Advance Racial Equity?

There are some things you can do to advance racial equity. One thing you can do is learn about racism and its impact on individuals and communities. Another thing you can do is support organizations that are working to advance racial equity. 

Racial equity is about creating a world in which everyone has an opportunity to succeed, regardless of their race or ethnicity. We must work together to dismantle the barriers that prevent people from achieving their full potential. Click the link below for information on our RISE Coach Certification Program.