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accelerating change, creating a radically just new world where communities of color thrive
  • criminal legal reform

    African Americans are incarcerated in state prisons at a rate that is 5.1 times the imprisonment of whites. In five states (Iowa, Minnesota New Jersey, Vernmont, and Wisconsin), the disparity is more than 10 to 1.
  • racial justice

    Since the Great Recession the gap between the black and white homeownership rates in the United States has increased to its highest level in 50 years, from 28.1% points in 2010 to 30.1% points in 2017. The 30.1% point gap is wider than it was when race-based discrimination against homebuyers was legal.

  • philanthropy

    A recent study on racial equity in philanthropy found that:

    • 92% of foundation presidents and 83% of full-time staff members are white
    • A $20 million funding gap exists in between White-led and Black-led organizations
  • lgbtq rights

    LGBTQ people, especially transgender people, are at high risk for unemployment. 44% of transgender people are unemployed or under-employed.
  • economic justice

    During the most recent economic downturn, median net worth declined by more for Black families (44.3% decline from 2007 to 2013) than for white families (26.1% decline). In fact, the ratio of white family wealth to Black family wealth is higher today than at the start of the century.
  • reproductive justice

    Black mothers are dying at 3 to 4 times the rate of non-Hispanic white mothers, and infants born to Black mothers are dying at twice the rate as infants born to non-Hispanic white mothers.

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